Despite the common perception that cats are more like indifferent roommates than best friends, your cat actually has a very full existence and a close relationship with their human. Take a look at all the occasions that your cat has curled up on your laptop—only during work, of course.

The issue lies in the fact that your cat loses a lot of their natural stimulation from hunting, climbing, exploring, and patrolling their territory when they live a domestic existence. This implies that you need to provide your bored cat with something to do in order to be a good cat parent.

Depending on what your cat enjoys doing most, you may choose from a range of activities to add some excitement to your boring cat's day.

Fun and Engaging Ways to Amuse Your Cat

Cat The term "mental stimulation" TV with cats

Even while they might not be major Game of Thrones fans, your cat enjoys television. Anyway, cat TV.

The easiest method to give cats TV on the screen is to either bring nature indoors or reintroduce them to it. All you need to do is set up a bird feeder or squirrel feeder outside the window, give your cat a cosy spot to sit, and you'll have lots of entertaining options to keep your furry friend occupied for hours on end.

Even without a bird feeder in your flat, you can make do with some homemade cat TV. Videos of birds abound on the internet, along with some of squirrels and mice, depending on your cat's preferences. They'll keep you amused for hours, and when they meow and swat the screen, you'll have to laugh.

A View from the Room

People are afraid of heights, but cats love to climb. They enjoy sunbathing as well.

Give your cat a platform bed for a quick method to prevent them from toppling bookcases and for the ideal meeting spot for both of them.

They get the finest of everything because of this. In addition to being a comfortable spot to relax in the sun, many of them include other elements for added stimulation, such carpet mats, which will prevent your cat from scratching your cushions. Give your cat an elevated platform housing to give them a greater vantage point to lounge without having to fall off if you don't have much wall space or worry about providing a solid enough platform for a huge cat.

Being up high gives many cats a better sense of security since they have a better perspective on predators and prey, therefore this is also a fantastic technique for shy cats.

Take Off Climbing

That being said, there are many of options that your cat will adore if they are a climber. And no, the ancient carpet tree isn't your only option.

A cat shelf or cat perch will become your cat's new best friend if they think that the higher the perch, the closer they are to Bastet. These are furniture pieces that let your cat climb up high. Examples of these include catwalks, mounted cat trees, and basic stair systems.

A cat tree may often provide pleasure for cats who don't need to climb Everest. You may make these as basic or complex as you wish, and as tall or short. Look around for cat furniture online or, if you're crafty, create one yourself.

Cats are also territorial, so if they develop a strong affection for their cat furniture, they're likely to spend more time with it than with yours. That is, less hairs and less scratching.


Take a stroll

If your cat is an adventurer, let her put on her best catwalk swagger or Suki the Adventure Cat outfit and take her for a stroll outside. You can indeed train your cat to walk on a leash and survive the experience.

You're in luck if you recently acquired a kitten, as most of them respond well to proper leash training. Nevertheless, based on your adult cat's interests and disposition, you can still train them to walk on a leash.

Cat personalities are classified by the ASPCA into three colour categories based on playfulness: green, orange, or purple. Like the cats who live nomadic lifestyles on Instagram, green cats are naturally adventurous creatures who can handle any challenge. Orange cats make excellent companions but may also be daring; they are the sidekick or personal helper. The most reserved cats are purple ones; they are typically wary and alone.

If you decide to go the leash training route, take Suki the Adventure Cat as your model. Her owners rewarded her with praise and food as she acclimated to being in a harness and leash inside the home for ten minutes at a time. They began walking outdoors at ten-minute intervals, using the same reward schedule, until she became accustomed to wearing the leash indoors for greater lengths of time.

Cat-themed Games

Naturally, returning to the basics of playfulness is the easiest approach to relieve boredom if you have an active cat. Like people and dogs, every cat has a set of preferred games and toys. To select the appropriate one is the key.

Even if you have a bored cat on your hands, these are some of the greatest cat toys.


Has a cat ever shown you the ability to ignore a laser pointer?

The fact that a laser pointer cannot be caught, in contrast to a mouse or wand, increases your cat's prey drive when it sees that red dot. Even laser pointers designed for self-play exist; they move erratically and turn off when your cat walks off, giving them plenty of opportunity to play even while you're at work.

Having said that, there are a few methods to add extra prizes to the traditional hand-held laser pointer game if you're going old school. For example, you can hide goodies throughout your room and occasionally let the dot to land on them to reward your cat at random for catching the dot.


Culinary Conundrums

A cat who personifies the phrase "will work for food" is likely to fall head over heels—er, tail over paws—in love with a food puzzle toy. While the feline Sherlock Holmes can get lost in complex interactive puzzles, cats who have never played with one before can begin with a basic puzzle toy.

Having said that, if your cat prefers this game, consult your veterinarian to ensure that your cat is fed healthy treats and maintains a healthy weight.

Boxes made of cardboard

We could offer you a fancy toy, but let's face it—your cat might just be interested in the box at times. If your cat behaves like that, get them a cardboard box and a cheap present that keeps on giving. Some cats will busy themselves even with a paper bag on the floor. If you have more than one cat, it's even better since one can sit in the bag while the other can swat at them. Everyone is successful.

Let's Take a New Look at Your Bore-some Cat

The one thing a bored cat ultimately needs is stimulus. It could be time to change your cat's food if they become tired with it.

Our concept is straightforward: cats should eat food prepared with the same love and attention that your mother would give to your favourite dish. They are a part of your family, after all, and you want to show them all the affection they are due. First things first: delicious food. Therefore, have a look at our recipes, which are designed to suit cats of all sizes and shapes, if you're searching for a novel approach to cat food that will keep your cat pleased.
